Happy Monday! How was your weekend? So much has happened this week that I can't contain my gratitude to just 3 things. So here are 5 things that made my week.
1. If any of you have been reading my posts lately, particularly this one, then you know huge props are in order to Kirsten from Through the Front Door who made my day week when I won her first giveaway! She has an amazing blog, that featured this fabulous giveaway below. I can't wait to get my package in the mail. :)
via Through the Front Door |
2. Luck was really in my favor this week... I won another blog giveaway! So Much to Smile About was one of the first blogs I started following because Liz always has interesting posts and she's from the DC area too! She generously gave a gift card to The Limited, and just in time for when I needed a new suit! Thank you Liz, you are fabulous!
via So Much to Smile About |
3. Squeaks has finally moved! After months of anticipation, he is in his new place, so you know what that means... let the decorating begin! It will be nice to be only 5 minutes away, cause, you know, 20 minutes is just soooo far...
4. This past Friday was my mom's birthday, so what better time to be thankful that I have such a great one. Growing up we didn't always see eye to eye, but as I've gotten older and moved out we have gotten a lot closer. She's really been there for me when I needed someone these past couple weeks and I couldn't be happier that we've gotten to this place in our relationship.
JMU graduation |
5. Losing my DVR capabilities due to the crazy storm last week made me realize how much I adore this thing. It is a serious life sleep saver. I follow way too many television shows, and somehow the ones I like are always the ones that come on super late! I'm forced into being an early riser for work so without my beloved DVR I would miss out on all the amazingness train wreck that is the Real Housewives and the amazing hotness that is Dallas, and that would be tragic.
via TNT |
Let me know what you are thankful for this week. Have you ever won anything exciting? Has your relationship with your parents changed once you left the nest? Comment to share, I'd love to hear!
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